Migrate MS-Access to the cloud / Web App

Convert MS-Access to the cloud / online Web App

Greetings, We are happy to welcome you to our Website about our cutting-edge MS-Access to Clolud /Web App Conversion a and migration service.

If you are seeking to elevate your business and revolutionize your workflow, then look no further. Our team of proficient developers have long time experience in transforming antiquated MS-Access databases into state-of-the-art, cloud-based web applications that exude a high degree of security, scalability, and user-friendliness. Our MS-Access to Web App Conversion service breaks you free from the constraints of desktop software and embraced the unprecedented advantages of cloud computing. You migrated MS-Access database to web-based Web App will be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device, providing unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness in your operations. We understand that each business is distinctive, which is why we espouse a bespoke approach to every project we undertake. Our team works in close collaboration with you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique needs and requirements, enabling us to tailor our solutions to meet the bespoke demands of your business.

Therefore, whether you're considering modernizing an existing MS-Access database or embarking on a novel web application project, we have the dexterity and experience to deliver the exacting results you require. Waste no time; contact us today to learn more about our MS-Access to Web App Conversion service and how we can propel your business to the next level.

For more information visit our demo site, examples of migrated MS-Access databases, FAQ section, products section of our website.

Antrow Software MS-Access to Web APP Services
Problems using MS-Access

Problems using MS-Access

  • The MS-Access database cannot be used outside the local network
  • The MS-Access database can only be used on a Windows system
  • There is no support for handheld, tablet, Apple or Linux Devices
  • Performance problems on large databases
  • Difficult user and permission management
  • No access to the application for road warriors, home office or customers
Key benefit from a migration

Key benefit from a migration

  • We convert you MS-Access application to a browser based web application that can be accessed from anywhere on any device
  • We also convert all your existing data to a Microsoft SQL server
  • Your Forms, Reports, Export will be converted one to one in a new modern design
  • Your new web application can be hosted in the Cloud or in your local environment
  • Multi language Web Sites. All pages, labels, date and numbers will be automatic localized into their local language
  • Licence free, cost saving, you don´t need an MS-Office Licence for your users anymore
We use the latest technology

We use the latest technology

  • Your application will be Mobile first, you can use it on any device such as PC
  • New application is developed with the latest .Net environment from Microsoft
  • Source code and Source code ownership is included in the project delivery
  • Free choice of the backend database (MS-SQL/MySQL/Oracle/Azure SQL)
  • Your application can be hosted on any platform such as your Local IIS, Amazon AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Webservice
  • All your reports and data will be available as PDF or Excel downloads
MS-Access to Web App

MS-Access to Web App

Antrow software helps you to convert/migrate your MS-Access database into an interactive web site / Web App.

Converting MS-Access to Web

Converting MS-Access to Web

Benefits of converting Microsoft Access database to a Web Application / Web App



All our applications are developed on Microsoft latest technologies and can be scaled upwards without any extra coding.

MS-Access database conversion tool

MS-Access database conversion tool

We have our own develop MS-Access .Net Visual Studio Framework

User friendly

User friendly

All our applications are designed to be user friendly and time saving, not need to use Microsoft Powerapps.

Multi Language

Multi Language

Our software supports ANY language, with the build-in language control center you translate to any local language.

We get a lot of questions about MS-Access to Web Migration, we have a large selection of FAQs in our FAQ section on this site, below you can find the most asked questions and answers.

What is Create access web app

Creating an Access web app involves designing and publishing a database to the web, allowing users to interact with it through a browser.

What is MS Access web alternative

MS Access Web Alternative refers to web-based database management systems that can be used as an alternative to MS Access for building custom database applications accessible via a web browser. These alternative platforms often provide features such as cloud hosting, real-time collaboration, and integration with other web-based tools.

What is MS Access web page

MS Access web page refers to a web-based interface of a Microsoft Access database that allows users to interact with and manipulate data through a web browser.

What is Webapp access

It refers to an application built using Microsoft Access that can be accessed through a web browser, providing remote access to the data and functionality of the Access database.

What is MS Access custom web app

MS Access Custom Web App refers to a web-based database application developed using Microsoft Access that can be customized to meet specific business requirements. It provides a user-friendly interface to interact with the database, run queries, and generate reports, accessible from a web browser.

What is Microsoft Access custom web app

A Microsoft Access custom web app is a database application that is designed using Access and published to the web. It allows users to access and interact with the database through a web browser, without requiring them to have Access installed on their local machine. The custom web app can be hosted on SharePoint or on Office 365, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. It offers a user-friendly interface and can be customized to meet specific business needs.

What is Convert ms access application to web

Converting an MS Access application to a web-based application involves transforming an existing desktop application into a format that can be accessed and used through a web browser. This can involve various steps such as migrating data to the cloud, designing a new user interface, and developing a new architecture.

What is MS Access web database without sharepoint

MS Access Web Database without SharePoint refers to the ability to create and publish a custom web application built with MS Access without the need for SharePoint as a hosting platform.

What is Access web app templates

Access web app templates are pre-built web apps that enable users to create a custom database solution quickly without starting from scratch. These templates can be customized to meet specific business needs.

For the complete list of FAQs click this link FAQ or go to our Blog

Latest News

AI-Driven MS-Access to Web App Migrations

AI-Driven MS-Access to Web App Migrations Sunday, June 9, 2024

Dear Valued Customers,

We are thrilled to share the exciting news of our numerous successful MS-Access database migrations to web applications, now enhanced with cutting-edge AI technology. At Antrow Software, we are committed to providing fast, efficient, and cost-effective migration solutions to help our clients modernize their business operations.

Leveraging AI in our migration process has significantly improved the speed and accuracy of our services. Our AI-driven tools automate many aspects of the migration, reducing manual effort and minimizing the risk of errors. This ensures that your data is seamlessly and accurately transferred to a web-based platform, providing you with a reliable and scalable solution that can grow with your business.

Our clients have experienced a multitude of benefits from our AI-enhanced migration services. The primary advantage is the dramatic reduction in migration time. What once took weeks or even months can now be accomplished in a fraction of the time, allowing businesses to quickly adapt to new technologies and stay ahead of the competition.

Cost efficiency is another significant benefit. By automating much of the migration process, we are able to lower costs, making our services more affordable for businesses of all sizes. This cost savings can then be reinvested into other critical areas of your business, driving further growth and innovation.

The accuracy and reliability of our AI-driven migrations also mean fewer disruptions to your operations. Your new web-based database will be up and running with minimal downtime, ensuring that your team can continue to work efficiently and effectively.

Moreover, our web-based solutions offer enhanced accessibility, allowing your team to access important data from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility is crucial in today's remote and hybrid work environments, enabling seamless collaboration and improved productivity.

Security is always a top priority at Antrow Software. Our AI tools include advanced security features to protect your data throughout the migration process and beyond. With secure authentication protocols and robust encryption, your data remains safe from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

We are proud of the success stories from our clients who have embraced our AI-driven MS-Access to web app migration services. These businesses have seen significant improvements in efficiency, scalability, and overall performance, demonstrating the transformative power of our solutions.

We invite you to join the growing number of businesses that are benefiting from our innovative migration services. Contact us today to learn more about how our AI-driven approach can help you modernize your MS-Access database and take your business to new heights.


The Antrow Software Team

For more information about our AI-driven MS-Access to web app migration services, visit Antrow Software.

AI-Driven MS-Access to Web App Migrations

Customer stories

Top Tech Parts Inc

Top Tech Parts Inc Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Author: Antrow Software

John runs a medium-sized manufacturing company that produces custom-made parts for various industries. When John started his business, he managed his inventory and production process using spreadsheets and manual data entry. However, as his business grew, it became increasingly difficult to keep up with the demands of his customers.

John knew he needed a better solution and came across Antrow Software Development's production management software. After seeing a demo of the software and learning about its features, John was impressed and decided to implement it in his business.

The software allowed John to easily track his inventory, production schedule, and orders, giving him a real-time view of his business operations. He also appreciated the ability to generate custom reports and analyze his data to make informed business decisions.

The Antrow team worked closely with John during the implementation process, helping him to customize the software to fit his unique business needs. They also provided training to his team to ensure a smooth transition.

Since implementing Antrow's software, John's business has seen a significant improvement in efficiency and productivity. He's now able to quickly identify production bottlenecks and optimize his production schedule to meet customer demands. Additionally, the software has reduced errors and waste, helping him save money and improve his bottom line.

Overall, John is extremely happy with his decision to use Antrow Software Development's production management software. He credits the software and the team behind it with helping him to grow his business and stay competitive in his industry.

Top Tech Parts Inc

Latest articles

Connecting to the GARDENA Smart System with REST and JSON in ASP.NET

Connecting to the GARDENA Smart System with REST and JSON in ASP.NET Friday, July 7, 2023
Author: Antrow Software

The GARDENA Smart System, developed by Husqvarna Group, provides innovative solutions for managing and controlling your garden and outdoor devices. To integrate and interact with the GARDENA Smart System, developers can leverage the Husqvarna Group's Open API, which offers a convenient way to access and control various smart devices using RESTful web services and JSON data format.

In this guide, we will show ypou how to connect to the GARDENA smart system using ASP.NET, a popular framework for building web applications. By utilizing the power of RESTful APIs and JSON, we can seamlessly communicate with GARDENA devices, retrieve information, and perform actions remotely.

What to do first:

Obtaining API credentials (client ID and client secret) at


Implementing the authentication flow to obtain an access token.

Now you can:

Retrieving a list of available devices and their properties.

Controlling device states, such as turning on/off or adjusting settings.

Monitoring device status and retrieving real-time data.

Handling JSON Data:

Parsing JSON responses from the GARDENA API.

Serializing JSON data to send requests and update device settings.

Posible Common Use Cases:

Creating schedules for automated device operations.

Managing device groups and zones for efficient control.

Handling events and notifications from the GARDENA system.

Note: Before starting the implementation, make sure to register as a developer and obtain API credentials from the Husqvarna Group's developer portal. Familiarity with ASP.NET, RESTful APIs, and JSON will be helpful throughout the development process.


 Private Sub doAuth2()

        Dim clientId As String = "xxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx"

        Dim clientSecret As String = "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"

        Dim accessToken As String = GetAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret)

        Dim LocationID As String = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxx"


        Response.Write(GetLanMoverList(accessToken, clientId))

        Response.Write(GetLocations(accessToken, LocationID, clientId))

        'End If

    End Sub

    Private Function GetAccessToken(clientId As String, clientSecret As String) As String

        Dim tokenEndpoint As String = "https://api.authentication.husqvarnagroup.dev/v1/oauth2/token"

        Dim redirectUri As String = "https://localhost:44306/"

        Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(tokenEndpoint), HttpWebRequest)

        request.Method = "POST"

        Dim postData As String = String.Format("grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={0}&client_secret={1}&redirect_uri={2}", clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri)

        Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData)

        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

        request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length

        Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()

        dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)


        Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()

        dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()

        Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)

        Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()

        Dim serializer As New JavaScriptSerializer()

        Dim tokenData As Dictionary(Of String, Object) = serializer.Deserialize(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(responseFromServer)

        If tokenData.ContainsKey("access_token") Then

            Return tokenData("access_token").ToString()


            Return ""

        End If

    End Function

    Private Function GetLanMoverList(Token As String, clientId As String) As String

        Dim tokenEndpoint As String = "https://api.amc.husqvarna.dev/v1/mowers"

        Dim X_Api_Key As String = clientId

        Dim Token_var As String = "Bearer " + Token

        Dim Authorization_Provider As String = "husqvarna"

        Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(tokenEndpoint), HttpWebRequest)

        request.Method = "GET"

        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", Token_var)

        request.Headers.Add("X-Api-Key", X_Api_Key)

        request.Headers.Add("Authorization-Provider", Authorization_Provider)

        Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()

        Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()

        Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)

        Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()




        Return responseFromServer

    End Function

    Private Function GetLocations(Token As String, LocationID As String, clientid As String) As String

        Dim tokenEndpoint As String = "https://api.smart.gardena.dev/v1/locations" + "/" + LocationID

        Dim X_Api_Key As String = clientid

        Dim Token_var As String = "Bearer " + Token

        Dim Authorization_Provider As String = "husqvarna"

        Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(tokenEndpoint), HttpWebRequest)

        request.Method = "GET"

        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", Token_var)

        request.Headers.Add("X-Api-Key", X_Api_Key)

        request.Headers.Add("Authorization-Provider", Authorization_Provider)

        Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()

        Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()

        Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)

        Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()




        ' Parse the JSON string into a JsonDocument

        Dim jsonDocumentVar As JsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(responseFromServer)

        Dim locationIdVar As String = jsonDocumentVar.RootElement.GetProperty("data").GetProperty("id").GetString()

        Dim locationName As String = jsonDocumentVar.RootElement.GetProperty("data").GetProperty("attributes").GetProperty("name").GetString()

        Return responseFromServer

    End Function